'Herbivores, Carnivores and Omnivores | What Animals Eat | Types of Animals | Science Lesson for Kids'

03:50 Dec 12, 2022
'This video discusses the three groups of animals according to the food they eat. Animals are grouped into Herbivore, Carnivore and Omnivore.  Herbivores are animals that eat plants as food.  Carnivores are animals that eat meat or other animals as food.  Omnivore are animals that eat both plants and animals as food.   What do animals eat? Group of Animals  Types of Animals According to their food  Food chain   #foodhabits #foodofanimals #herbivore #carnivore #omnivore #whatdoanimalseat #foodofanimals #groupsofanimals #typesofanimals #animalclassification #groupingofanimals #foodchain #foodweb #predator #prey #herbivores #carnivores #omnivores #animalkingdom #animalsclassification #hungryscianntist  #animalseatotheranimals #heterothrops #heterothropicorganism #animals #animalsandtheirfood #animalsbasedontheirfood #สัตว์กินพืช #สัตว์กินเนื้อ #สัตว์ที่กินเนื้อและพืช #สัตว์กินอะไร #ฝูงสัตว์ #sciencelessonforkids #lessonforkids #powerpointlessonforkids #powerpointlessonforanimals  Credit: Free Images are from Pixabay.com' 
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